Andy Sanderson has managed to get the committee’s go-ahead for a truly amazing special offer for this Friday 21/06/13 – the summer solstice. The deal is……
- Between 04:06 and 09:00, and between 19:00 and 21:40, launches will be available to club members for only £1.00, and flying time on club gliders will be FREE!
- Andy will open the airfield by 04:06 at the latest, when the first launch is legally possible – sunrise is 04:36. Actual first launch will depend on conditions.
- Last launch will be by 21:40, such that the glider lands before 21:49, half an hour after sunset.
- We need a winch driver to be ready for the first launch – maybe leave the winch out ready last thing on Thursday. We also need a winch driver prepared to winch until maybe 21:40.
- All other fees apply as usual, for instance if you bring a guest, day membership fee applies.
- This offer is not open to visiting pilots unless flying dual with a suitably qualified club member who is responsible for the flight and launch fee. Any questions not covered by this should be addressed to the Treasurer.
So folks, this is your chance to get a few really cheap training flights or solos in, at unprecedented rates (previously the best we have had is flights at half price). I am happy to instruct for a few hours in the early morning, and maybe later if required, but obviously I can’t do all of it, and a few handy winch drivers are a necessity for anything to happen. John Bone will be doing his normal day between 09:00 and 17:00. It would be ideal to have a few flights very early, then stop for a hearty breakfast, and then do some more.
If this is successful, we hope it can become an annual event, so please come along and support it if you can, especially winch drivers, the earlier the better. If we are ready to go by 04:06, so much the better.
Please indicate your attendance on the Burble Room, or let me know, and if there is any doubt about attendance numbers or the weather (the morning does look a bit dodgy on the current forecast but if we can’t fly then at least we should be able to fly until late once the rain has cleared), I will post on the Burble Room by 21:00 on Thursday.
See you there!
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