Go For Gliding Mini-Course

Go For Gliding Mini-Course

Whilst we do offer short trial lessons, a much better-value alternative is to take a Go For Gliding Mini-Course. This consists of 6 winch launches, or 3 winch launches with extended soaring flights, or a combination of both. The instruction will be more intensive, and a full briefing on gliding and the theory of flight will take place before you take to the air. Go for Gliding Courses must be booked in advance. Bookings are available from April to October, normally on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. If you are seriously thinking about taking up gliding or want more than a brief “taster”, then a this Course is recommended. A one month temporary club membership is included in the price of the Course, so you may return again within this period and fly at club rates.

Gliding is very much a co-operative sport where everyone helps each other. If you want to participate in these general activities during your Day Course, please speak to your instructor who will brief you. Your flying tuition will be in one of the club’s two-seater gliders with a British Gliding Association qualified instructor, who will give you a full briefing before take off.

For safety reasons, all members and visitors who fly with us must meet or exceed certain minimum medical requirements, and be neither too heavy nor too light for correct ballasting of the aircraft. The majority of people will meet these requirements with ease. For full details please see Medical and Weight Issues. Terms and Conditions are available here.

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