Yet another Junior achievement with Teddy Nebel being sent solo by Paul Rice yesterday.

Yet another Junior achievement with Teddy Nebel being sent solo by Paul Rice yesterday.
Congratulations to Millie who was sent solo by Richard last Sunday.
Congratulations to George Lee who was sent solo today by Den Heslop.
Come and join us!
Paul Robinson from ESGC on the Eastern Region ICL: Our club has been competing in the Inter Club League for many years, I did my first in 1984 flying Red Bear. At that time the Cambridge University Gliding Club was entered into the Eastern Region and we flew at Duxford, free entry into the museum!. […]
The BGA April 2017 Newsletter can be found here with our Bradley Soanes receiving acknowledgment for his notable 20,000 ft wave flight from Lleweni Parc yesterday!
On Saturday 10th December the Essex & Suffolk Gliding Club was visited by Gordon McDonald, the BGA Chief Technical Officer, who kindly delivered the BGA Club Maintainers Course describing with the aid of 200 plus slides what maintenance is allowed by glider owner pilots. Remember as club members we also own and fly the club […]
A colourful day at ESGC saw fourteen year old George White being sent solo by George Green. Our fifth Junior solo pilot in two months!
The BGA September newsletter can be found here
Tomorrow is shaping up to be a reasonable start to the 2016 cross-country season. If you are contemplating a flight to the North-West of Wormingford, please bear in mind the revised airspace around Cambridge Airport and read the Letter of Agreement drawn up late last year between Grandsen Lodge GC and Cambridge ATC – a copy […]
Congratulations to Staffan Ahlner who was sent solo by Richard Kimberley during a very busy Sunday at ESGC.
We are Anglia's Premier Gliding Centre and you are very welcome to visit us. Keen to attract visitors and new members, we now have a "Fixed Price Scheme" that takes some of the uncertainty out of the cost of learning to fly. We also offer "Go for Gliding Mini-Course" which will give you an intensive experience including a total of 60 minutes flying time. Alternatively you may like a "Trial Lesson" giving you a full 20 minutes soaring. More information and booking instructions can be found above.
Current week planned flying days:- Monday 🙁 Tuesday 🙁 Wednesday 🙂 Thursday 🙁 Friday 🙂 Saturday 🙂 Sunday 🙂 Read More about “This Weeks Flying Schedule”…