The CAA has confirmed that a temporary Radio Mandatory Zone (RMZ) will be put in place around London Southend Airport. The RMZ, which was requested by the airport operator, will go live on 18th July 2014 and will remain in place until a decision is made regarding the Southend application for controlled airspace, which the BGA has already objected to. The CAA will review the RMZ in spring 2015. Although an ATC clearance is not required to gain entry to an RMZ, a pilot must establish two-way communication with air traffic control before entering and they must then remain on frequency while in the zone unless instructed otherwise. Pilots planning to fly through the Southend RMZ will need to contact Southend on 130.775MHz before entering the zone. Aircraft not fitted with radios can still operate in the RMZ providing the pilot is able to coordinate arrangements with Southend ATC prior to departure. A map of this particularly large Zone is shown here and it should be noted that the NE boundary extends into our local 4500 and 5500ft airspace.
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