The operator of Farnborough Airport, TAG Farnborough, has begun the formal process of applying for controlled airspace.
The Farnborough Airspace Consultation Proposals directly affect current controlled and uncontrolled airspace across a large area of southern England – not only in the immediate vicinity to Farnborough Airport. If approved, their airspace would extend:
- Out as far as Reading and Aldermarston to the north west
- All the way from Farnborough to the Solent/Southampton area to the west and south west
- Right down and off the south coast as far as the south part of the Isle of Wight
- Along the south coast to a point just north of Shoreham
- Well beyond Guildford to the east
The base of many areas of existing airspace would be lowered, and large areas of new airspace would be introduced. Their plans represent the most substantial redesign and increase of airspace in the UK for many years.
You can find the details of what TAG want to do at
If TAG get what they want, the likely impact on gliding (and other forms of general aviation) would be significant. Pilots and clubs will be affected. The impact would range from catastrophic for some gliding clubs through to extremely disruptive for other clubs and pilots flying in the area.
The impacts are not restricted to aviators and aviation. Many other local groups are also likely to be adversely affected.
The only party to benefit will be TAG.
At the moment, the TAG proposals are out for consultation up until 2 May 2014. TAG will then formally submit their application to the CAA sometime during the summer.
It is vitally important that everybody that is part of our community provides input to the consultation and makes their opposition clear. The main general aviation organisations are already working closely and will be providing information to help people understand the issues that are of most concern.
So, please:
- Make sure that you read the TAG proposals, and reflect on how they might affect you
- Keep a regular watch on the our website and BGA EMails for more information and advice
- Be prepared to submit your formal response to the consultation process – but not until you are ready to, or have been advised to by the BGA
Do not imagine for one moment that this will not affect you. If you are ever likely to fly in the southern part of England, it will.
Do not imagine for one moment that others will sort the situation out for you. We need everyone to play their part and actively support the campaign to oppose TAG.
The BGA will be providing regular updates on the consultation and how to respond so please keep up to date with the latest news and advice on the BGA web site at
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