As anticipated, London Southend Airport are looking to acquire a huge slice of Class D airspace which, if granted, will extend from the Thames estuary all the way up to Clacton, and effectively making glider flights to our South untenable. Can we do anything to counter this proposal?
AOPA’s statement indicates that it’s a done deal….
London Southend Airport (LSA) is proposing to submit a case to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) for the re-establishment of controlled airspace in the vicinity of LSA.
The recent growth of Commercial Air Transport (CAT) passenger flights at LSA has led us to conclude that the re-establishment of controlled airspace is appropriate to enhance the safe operation of CAT flights arriving to and departing from London Southend Airport. As an essential part of the process* for changes to the status of airspace the CAA requires that the sponsor of the proposed change, in this case LSA, must carry out an extensive consultation with airspace users who may be affected by the proposed change, with the national organisations representing airspace users and with organisations representing those on the ground who may, from time to time, be affected by the proposed airspace change.
Accordingly, LSA is today launching this stage of the consultation process by publishing its Consultation Document on the LSA website at:
The consultation document can be downloaded here.
The Consultation Document details why we believe controlled airspace is necessary, the configuration of the proposed airspace and its expected impact on airspace users and the options that have been considered in reaching our conclusions.
The CAA specifies that the consultation should run for a minimum period of 12 weeks in order to allow time for you, or the organisation that you represent, to consider your response to the proposal. The consultation will therefore end on 13 December 2013.
You will find in the Consultation Document details of how to submit your response to us, or how to contact us if you have any queries on the Consultation Document or the consultation process itself.
Please note that even if you have no comment to make on the proposal we would appreciate a response to that effect.
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