The cross-country leagues aim to support and promote cross-country flying at ESGC. Scores are automatically calculated from the BGA Ladder.
See results for the 2018 and 2019 seasons are here.
Eagle League
This league is open to all cross-country pilots who are not in the other leagues. Scores are the total of the best three ladder flights starting or finishing at Wormingford.
No pilots to show yet this season in this league.
Seagull League
This league is open to all cross-country pilots who have not flown a 400km or greater flight in the past ten years. Scores are the total of the best three ladder flights starting or finishing at Wormingford.
No pilots to show yet this season in this league.
Cuckoo League
This league is for pilots who do not yet have their cross-country endorsement. Scores are their best cross-country flight flown in a club two-seater with an instructor.
No pilots to show yet this season in this league.
For more information on how the leagues operate, please contact Adrian Tills or John Wells.